2023 Trauma University: What if the World Trade Ce ...
Handout: What if the World Trade Center Buildings ...
Handout: What if the World Trade Center Buildings Did Not Collapse? Here Comes the Boom!
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Dr. Carmen Flores gave a presentation on "What if the World Trade Center Towers did not collapse?" The presentation explored various scenarios and considerations in the event of a disaster, specifically focusing on burn injuries and mass casualty incidents. The speaker discussed the response after the 9/11 attacks and the identification of burn beds in the United States, which highlighted the shortage of burn resources. The presentation also addressed other potential disaster scenarios such as wildfires, incendiary device detonations, nuclear accidents, and train derailments. The importance of disaster preparedness and response plans was emphasized, as well as the need for collaboration between burn centers and other hospitals in distributing and managing patients. The presentation touched on triage systems, treatment protocols, and the role of telemedicine in disaster response. The challenges and considerations for burn size assessment, pain management, and fluid resuscitation were also discussed. The speaker highlighted the need for ongoing funding, training, supplies, and communication to effectively manage burn mass casualty incidents. The presentation concluded with a reminder that the response to such incidents should be constantly evaluated and improved to enhance the standard of care provided to burn patients in emergencies.
World Trade Center Towers
burn injuries
mass casualty incidents
9/11 attacks
burn beds
disaster preparedness
triage systems
burn size assessment
standard of care
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