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2018 Trauma University: Use of Tourniquets
2018 Trauma University: Use of Tourniquets
Release and Expiration Dates
Release Date: 4/6/2020
Expiration Date: 11/29/2025
Last Reviewed Date
2018 Trauma University: Use of Tourniquets
Program Overview
Use of Tourniquets, is a course offered in series two of Trauma University, which debuted at TCAA's 2018 Annual Conference. Course topics are contributed by TCAA members and are designed to provide practitioners with clinical education opportunities. The purpose of this activity is to provide an overview of tourniquet use in stopping the bleeding.
Estimated completion time:
30 minutes
Target Audience:
The Trauma healthcare team and other clinical departments
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the learner should be better able to:
1. Restate the epidemiology of hemorrhages
2. Explore methods for hemorrhage prevention and the use of tourniquets
Timothy Murphy
Faculty Presenter:
Dr. Christoph Kaufmann
Presenter Bio
Christoph Kaufmann MD is Chair of the TCAA Systems Committee. He is currently the Medical Director of Acute Care Surgical Services and the General Surgery Residency Program Director at Grand Strand Medical Center in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Dr. Kaufmann completed his surgical residency at Tripler Army Medical Center Honolulu, Hawaii and his trauma/critical care fellowship at Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, in Seattle. He became Director of the Division of Trauma and EMS of HRSA, U.S. Public Health Service. He then was Chief, Division of Trauma and Combat Surgery and Director, Surgical Simulation Laboratory National Capital Area Medical Simulation Center at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda MD, when he retired from the military as Professor of Surgery. At USUHS. Dr. Kaufmann’s military service included the 47th Combat Support Hospital in Saudi Arabia and Iraq during the first Gulf War for which he was awarded a Bronze Star. After 24 years of service, he retired from the US Army and joined the trauma service at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland Oregon. He then subsequently worked in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania successfully building a Level 2 trauma center. Dr. Kaufmann is very active in the American College of Surgeons and previously served as chair of the ATLS Subcommittee. More recently he has served the Committee on Trauma as a State and International trauma system consultation team leader and also is a senior reviewer and editor for the Committee on Trauma VRC trauma center verification process. Dr. Kaufmann is board certified in General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, and has a diploma in the Medical Care of Catastrophes.
Kelly, Joseph F. MD; Ritenour, Amber E. MD; McLaughlin, Daniel F. MD; Bagg, Karen A. MS; Apodaca, Amy N. MS; Mallak, Craig T. MD; Pearse, Lisa MD; Lawnick, Mary M. RN, BSN; Champion, Howard R. MD; Wade, Charles E. PhD; Holcomb, John B. MC. Injury Severity and Causes of Death From Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: 2003–2004 Versus 2006.
The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care:
February 2008 - Volume 64 - Issue 2 - p S21-S27
doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318160b9fb
Subcommittee on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), Committee on Trauma, 1987-1988. (1989). Advanced trauma life support course for physicians. Chicago, Ill. :Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons.
Timothy Murphy
Dr. Christoph Kaufman
Jennifer Ward
Deb Myers
Dr. Britt Christmas
Peer Reviewer
Dr. Marco Bonta
Credit Offered:
0.5 CE Credit
0.5 COP Credit
0.5 TCAA CME Credit
2018 Trauma University: Use of Tourniquets Course List
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