Spinal Cord Injuries Part 4: Care Following OR Procedures
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Credit Offered
1 CE Credit
1 COP Credit
1 TCAA CME Credit
  • Release and Expiration Dates
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  • Spinal Cord Injuries Part 4: Care Following OR Procedures
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Release Date: 12/1/2023
Expiration Date: 12/1/2026

Program Overview

According to SCIMS, in 2021, approximately 18,000 new Spinal Cord Injuries occur each year; these numbers only reflect those patients making it to the ED. Data from 2015 shows LOS has declined to an average of 12 days for inpatient care and 32 days for rehab. How many healthcare providers will care for an SCI patient over a 12-day stay? What education do they need? Based on evaluation data from the TCAA on-demand learning system, many healthcare providers have asked for additional education on spinal cord injuries. TCAA’s Education Committee has put together a seven-part series to provide education from EMS through Rehab. 

Estimated completion time:  >60 minutes

Target Audience: Trauma Center Staff

At the conclusion of this course, the learner should be better able to:
  1. Describe the care of a trauma patient with spinal cord injuries.
  2. Discuss the changes you can make with your processes to improve outcomes.
  3. List potential complications to assess for patients with spinal cord injuries. 

Moderator: Chris Kaufmann

Faculty Presenter: Kevin Yoo

Presenter Bio

Dr. Yoo has an established neurosurgical practice in San Diego, California and has been practicing spine and neurosurgery for over 18 years. He has always had a passion for patient care, which has led to his practice becoming a flourishing one. He has been trained in minimally invasive surgery of the spine and specializes in degenerative spine conditions as well as brain tumors and brain and spine trauma. Dr. Yoo is dedicated to the intimate care of every patient he treats by always making himself available to his patients. With a meticulous attention to detail, Dr. Yoo is a problem solver who strives to provide comprehensive individualized care to each of his patients.


Menacho ST, Floyd C. Current practices and goals for mean arterial pressure and spinal cord perfusion pressure in acute traumatic spinal cord injury: Defining the gaps in knowledge. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021 May;44(3):350-356. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1660840. Epub 2019 Sep 16. PMID: 31525138; PMCID: PMC8081322.
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