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Decoding the AIS Language
Release and Expiration Dates
Release Date: 07/27/2024
Expiration Date: 07/26/2027
Last Reviewed Date
Decoding the AIS Language

This course will focus on identifying clinical documentation and translating it into the AIS language. Participants will learn key concepts and terminology for accurate coding, including understanding words such as extra-articular, intimal tear, and joint surface. The session will also cover effective methods for acquiring the clinical documentation required for AIS coding.

1.  Identify keywords and their meanings utilized in AIS
2.  Translate clinical documentation into the AIS coding language
3.  Identify methods to acquire the needed clinical documentation for AIS coding
Faculty Presenter: Kathy Cookman

Kathy has been involved in the trauma in various capacities from pre-hospital, emergency department patient care, trauma data management, performance improvement and injury prevention. She has a Bachelor of Science in Health Management, is the founder and past-president of the Alliance of Ohio Trauma Registrars (AOTR), the founder and past-chairman of the Trauma Registrar Council of the American Trauma Society (ATS), is the CEO of KJ Trauma Consulting, LLC an ICD-10-CM/PCS instructor, CEO of KJ & JC Enterprises, LLC, recently achieved Florida Master Naturalist through the University of Florida. She has a Bachelor of Science in Health Management, is the founder and past-president of the Alliance of Ohio Trauma Registrars (AOTR), the founder and past-chairman of the Trauma Registrar Council of the American Trauma Society (ATS), is the CEO of KJ Trauma Consulting, LLC an ICD-10-CM/PCS instructor, CEO of KJ & JC Enterprises, LLC, recently achieved Florida Master Naturalist through the University of Florida.
Kathy has been AIS faculty since 2003 and is currently the Business Director/International Technical Coordinator of AIS.

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, The Abbreviated Injury Scale 2005 Update 2008,
AAAM, Des Plaines Illinois, 2008.

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, The Abbreviated Injury Scale 2015 Revision,
AAAM, Chicago Illinois, 2016.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 CE Credit
1 COP Credit
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