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Your Data – New Year Resolution
Release and Expiration Dates
Release Date: 02/14/2025
Expiration Date: 02/13/2028
Last Reviewed Date
Your Data – New Year Resolution


Explore the power of New Year’s resolutions, with a focus on organizing and optimizing your data! The beginning of a new year brings a sense of renewal and the ideal time to reflect, refresh, and set intentions for growth and improvement.

In this session, you’ll learn practical strategies for identifying different types of data, understanding their roles, and streamlining your data processes for maximum efficiency. Let’s work together to make this year one of progress, with data in all the right places. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to kick off the year strong with a smarter data strategy!


  • Identify the types of data and their roles
  • Discuss how to streamline your data
  • List how to prepare your data for download to TQIP
  • Describe where your data goes when it leaves the hospital

Moderator: Dawn McKeown
Faculty Presenter:
Mike Trelow

Mike Trelow has worked as a Trauma Registrar/Analyst for 35 years.  He has worked for a trauma registry vendor, Level I and II Adult and Peds Trauma Centers, created the Basic and Advanced Trauma Registrar Course for a trauma education company, served in the Air Force as a Firefighter/Rescue/Paramedic, and is now working for Brundage Group as a Director of Trauma and Quality where he created the Trauma Tip cards for trauma registrars to use. 

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 CE Credit
1 COP Credit
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