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Data Plan Part 2: Registry Operations Manager Viewpoint (Live)
Data Plan Part 2: Registry Operations Manager Viewpoint (Live)

This two-part series begins with insights from a Trauma Director. In Part I, Amber Kyle will explore what constitutes quality data, the significance of a Data Quality Plan, and its essential components. Part 2 will shift to practical strategies for achieving quality data. Join Robin Schrader in Part 2 as she shares her experience as a Registry Operations Manager, detailing how she implemented her data plan to validate and ensure reliable data from her registry.

Attendees will be able to:  
1. List methods to validate your data
2. Describe the importance of having quality data prior to reporting data and changing patient care


Availability: Registration ends on October 08, 2024
Location: Zoom link
Date / Time: Oct 08, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 CE Credit
1 COP Credit
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