Spinal Cord Injuries Part 5: Rehabilitation
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Credit Offered
1.5 CE Credits
1.5 COP Credits
1.5 TCAA CME Credits
  • Release and Expiration Dates
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  • Spinal Cord Injuries Part 5: Rehabilitation
  • References
  • Recommended
Release Date: 1/30/24
Expiration Date: 1/30/27

Program Overview

According to SCIMS, in 2021, approximately 18,000 new Spinal Cord Injuries occur each year; these numbers only reflect those patients making it to the ED. Data from 2015 shows LOS has declined to an average of 12 days for inpatient care and 32 days for rehab. How many healthcare providers will care for an SCI patient over a 12-day stay? What education do they need? Based on evaluation data from the TCAA on-demand learning system, many healthcare providers have asked for additional education on spinal cord injuries. TCAA’s Education Committee has put together a seven-part series to provide education from EMS through Rehab.

At the conclusion of this course, the learner should be better able to:

  1. Describe the care of a trauma patient with spinal cord injuries.
  2. Discuss the changes you can make with your processes to improve outcomes.
  3. Cite rehab methods to enhance outcomes and independence for SCI patients. 

Estimated completion time:  >90 minutes

Target Audience: Trauma Center Staff

Moderator: Christopher Ruiz

Faculty Presenter: Laura Rucki, Dr. Nathan Rosenberg, Tara Grimes

Presenter Bio

Laura Rucki is an inpatient occupational therapist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She graduated from Ohio State University with a clinical doctorate in Occupational Therapy in 2019. She works primarily on the inpatient rehabilitation unit treating neurologic diagnoses, though also works in acute care with patient populations including critical care, trauma, and infant feeding. Laura has achieved her brain injury specialist certification (CBIS) and has a clinical passion for patients with spinal cord injury. Laura is also interested in exploring use of pelvic floor and biofeedback practices for management of neurogenic bowel and bladder. Additionally, she has a great passion for adapted sports and volunteers as an assistant coach for the Ohio Buckeye Blitz wheelchair rugby team in Columbus.

Dr. Nathan Rosenberg is a Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physician at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He is an Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Ohio State University. Additionally, he serves as the medical director of the rehabilitation inpatient consultation service at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He attended University of Wisconsin for undergraduate study and University of Vermont for medical school. Residency in PM&R was completed at University of Washington and fellowship in Pediatric Rehabilitation was completed at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. When not at work, you might find him trail running, snowboarding or planning his upcoming spring garden.  

Tara Grimes joined the Admissions Department at Shepherd Center in 2011. She had previously worked for Shepherd Center as an occupational therapist in the ICU and Outpatient Therapy Department. She has experience in all aspects of rehabilitation, including acute care, inpatient, sub-acute, outpatient and home health. Tara covers Maryland, Washington, D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Tara received her bachelor’s degree in health science and her master’s degree in occupational therapy from Saint Francis University in Loretto, Penn.

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