Pelvic Fracture Features
Handout: Pelvic Fracture Features
Handout: Pelvic Fracture Features
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This document covers a presentation on various aspects related to pelvic fractures, including their classification, anatomy, biomechanics, and treatment options. The content emphasizes the importance of understanding and accurately coding pelvic fractures using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS).<br /><br />The document begins with an introduction to the presenter's credentials and a reminder that the content belongs to AAAM and cannot be reproduced without permission. It then provides a list of points to ponder, including types of injuries and common mechanisms of injury.<br /><br />Next, the document describes the anatomy of the pelvis, including its structure, blood supply, and functions. It explains different types of pelvic fractures, such as stable, partially stable, and unstable fractures, and provides examples for each category.<br /><br />Several case scenarios are presented, highlighting the diagnostic procedures performed, such as pelvic X-ray and CT scans. The document also includes codes for the diagnoses, according to ICD-10-CM and AIS guidelines.<br /><br />The importance of stabilizing unstable pelvic fractures is emphasized, with options like external fixation, pelvic binders, open reduction internal fixation, and anterior subcutaneous pelvic fixators discussed.<br /><br />The document concludes with additional ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes related to the discussed diagnoses.<br /><br />Lastly, contact information for AIS-related questions and information about the CAISS (Certification Examination for AIS Coding Specialist) credentials are provided.<br /><br />Overall, this document serves as a comprehensive overview of pelvic fractures, their classification, treatment options, and coding guidelines using the AIS system.
pelvic fractures
treatment options
Abbreviated Injury Scale
diagnostic procedures
stabilizing pelvic fractures
AIS guidelines
ICD-10-PCS codes
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